Trac is being migrated to new services! Issues can be found in our new YouTrack instance and WIKI pages can be found on our website.

XDG Specification define some directories to store information: Data, Config, Cache, Runtime. We need to figure out how to split the information we have now into this different categories. Also see ticket:10029 for the discussion leading to this wiki.

I am writing some of the data we manage now to find it a good place. Please discuss it in devel@… and/or change the table by yourself.

File Information XDG destination
accounts.xml Account Protocol XDG_CONFIG
Account name XDG_CONFIG
Statuses XDG_DATA ?
blist.xml Groups XDG_CACHE
Settings XDG_CACHE
certificates/ * XDG_DATA
icons/ * XDG_CACHE
logs/ * XDG_DATA
pounces.xml * XDG_CONFIG
prefs.xml Decide one by one *
* *
smileys/ TBD TBD
status.xml TBD TBD
xmpp-caps.xml TBD TBD
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jan 12, 2014, 3:06:08 PM
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