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account.h File Reference

Account API. More...

#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "connection.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "privacy.h"
#include "proxy.h"
#include "prpl.h"
#include "status.h"
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Data Structures

struct  _PurpleAccountUiOps
 Account UI operations, used to notify the user of status changes and when buddies add this account to their buddy lists. More...
struct  _PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps
 Account prefs UI operations, to allow the UI to catch account preference changes. More...
struct  _PurpleAccount
 Structure representing an account. More...


typedef struct _PurpleAccountUiOps PurpleAccountUiOps
 Account UI operations, used to notify the user of status changes and when buddies add this account to their buddy lists.
typedef struct _PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps
 Account prefs UI operations, to allow the UI to catch account preference changes.
typedef struct _PurpleAccount PurpleAccount
 Structure representing an account.
typedef gboolean(* PurpleFilterAccountFunc) (PurpleAccount *account)
typedef void(* PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb) (void *)
typedef void(* PurpleAccountRegistrationCb) (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean succeeded, void *user_data)
typedef void(* PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb) (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean succeeded, void *user_data)
typedef void(* PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *new_alias)
typedef void(* PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *error)
typedef void(* PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *alias)
typedef void(* PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *error)


enum  PurpleAccountRequestType { PURPLE_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION = 0 }
 Account request types. More...
 Account request response types. More...


Account API <br>
PurpleAccountpurple_account_new (const char *username, const char *protocol_id)
 Creates a new account.
void purple_account_destroy (PurpleAccount *account)
 Destroys an account.
void purple_account_connect (PurpleAccount *account)
 Connects to an account.
void purple_account_set_register_callback (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleAccountRegistrationCb cb, void *user_data)
 Sets the callback for successful registration.
void purple_account_register (PurpleAccount *account)
 Registers an account.
void purple_account_unregister (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb, void *user_data)
 Unregisters an account (deleting it from the server).
void purple_account_disconnect (PurpleAccount *account)
 Disconnects from an account.
void purple_account_notify_added (PurpleAccount *account, const char *remote_user, const char *id, const char *alias, const char *message)
 Notifies the user that the account was added to a remote user's buddy list.
void purple_account_request_add (PurpleAccount *account, const char *remote_user, const char *id, const char *alias, const char *message)
 Notifies the user that the account was addded to a remote user's buddy list and asks ther user if they want to add the remote user to their buddy list.
void * purple_account_request_authorization (PurpleAccount *account, const char *remote_user, const char *id, const char *alias, const char *message, gboolean on_list, PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb auth_cb, PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb deny_cb, void *user_data)
 Notifies the user that a remote user has wants to add the local user to his or her buddy list and requires authorization to do so.
void purple_account_request_close_with_account (PurpleAccount *account)
 Close account requests registered for the given PurpleAccount.
void purple_account_request_close (void *ui_handle)
 Close the account request for the given ui handle.
void purple_account_request_password (PurpleAccount *account, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data)
 Requests a password from the user for the account.
void purple_account_request_change_password (PurpleAccount *account)
 Requests information from the user to change the account's password.
void purple_account_request_change_user_info (PurpleAccount *account)
 Requests information from the user to change the account's user information.
void purple_account_set_username (PurpleAccount *account, const char *username)
 Sets the account's username.
void purple_account_set_password (PurpleAccount *account, const char *password)
 Sets the account's password.
void purple_account_set_alias (PurpleAccount *account, const char *alias)
 Sets the account's alias.
void purple_account_set_user_info (PurpleAccount *account, const char *user_info)
 Sets the account's user information.
void purple_account_set_buddy_icon_path (PurpleAccount *account, const char *path)
 Sets the account's buddy icon path.
void purple_account_set_protocol_id (PurpleAccount *account, const char *protocol_id)
 Sets the account's protocol ID.
void purple_account_set_connection (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleConnection *gc)
 Sets the account's connection.
void purple_account_set_remember_password (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean value)
 Sets whether or not this account should save its password.
void purple_account_set_check_mail (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean value)
 Sets whether or not this account should check for mail.
void purple_account_set_enabled (PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, gboolean value)
 Sets whether or not this account is enabled for the specified UI.
void purple_account_set_proxy_info (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleProxyInfo *info)
 Sets the account's proxy information.
void purple_account_set_privacy_type (PurpleAccount *account, PurplePrivacyType privacy_type)
 Sets the account's privacy type.
void purple_account_set_status_types (PurpleAccount *account, GList *status_types)
 Sets the account's status types.
void purple_account_set_status (PurpleAccount *account, const char *status_id, gboolean active,...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED
 Variadic version of purple_account_set_status_list(); the variadic list replaces attrs, and should be NULL-terminated.
void purple_account_set_status_list (PurpleAccount *account, const char *status_id, gboolean active, GList *attrs)
 Activates or deactivates a status.
void purple_account_set_public_alias (PurpleAccount *account, const char *alias, PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb)
 Set a server-side (public) alias for this account.
void purple_account_get_public_alias (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb)
 Fetch the server-side (public) alias for this account.
gboolean purple_account_get_silence_suppression (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Return whether silence suppression is used during voice call.
void purple_account_set_silence_suppression (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean value)
 Sets whether silence suppression is used during voice call.
void purple_account_clear_settings (PurpleAccount *account)
 Clears all protocol-specific settings on an account.
void purple_account_remove_setting (PurpleAccount *account, const char *setting)
 Removes an account-specific setting by name.
void purple_account_set_int (PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, int value)
 Sets a protocol-specific integer setting for an account.
void purple_account_set_string (PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, const char *value)
 Sets a protocol-specific string setting for an account.
void purple_account_set_bool (PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, gboolean value)
 Sets a protocol-specific boolean setting for an account.
void purple_account_set_ui_int (PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, int value)
 Sets a UI-specific integer setting for an account.
void purple_account_set_ui_string (PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, const char *value)
 Sets a UI-specific string setting for an account.
void purple_account_set_ui_bool (PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, gboolean value)
 Sets a UI-specific boolean setting for an account.
gboolean purple_account_is_connected (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns whether or not the account is connected.
gboolean purple_account_is_connecting (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns whether or not the account is connecting.
gboolean purple_account_is_disconnected (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns whether or not the account is disconnected.
const char * purple_account_get_username (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's username.
const char * purple_account_get_password (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's password.
const char * purple_account_get_alias (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's alias.
const char * purple_account_get_user_info (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's user information.
const char * purple_account_get_buddy_icon_path (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Gets the account's buddy icon path.
const char * purple_account_get_protocol_id (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's protocol ID.
const char * purple_account_get_protocol_name (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's protocol name.
PurpleConnectionpurple_account_get_connection (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's connection.
const gchar * purple_account_get_name_for_display (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns a name for this account appropriate for display to the user.
gboolean purple_account_get_remember_password (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns whether or not this account should save its password.
gboolean purple_account_get_check_mail (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns whether or not this account should check for mail.
gboolean purple_account_get_enabled (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui)
 Returns whether or not this account is enabled for the specified UI.
PurpleProxyInfopurple_account_get_proxy_info (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's proxy information.
PurplePrivacyType purple_account_get_privacy_type (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's privacy type.
PurpleStatus * purple_account_get_active_status (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the active status for this account.
PurpleStatus * purple_account_get_status (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *status_id)
 Returns the account status with the specified ID.
PurpleStatusTypepurple_account_get_status_type (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *id)
 Returns the account status type with the specified ID.
PurpleStatusTypepurple_account_get_status_type_with_primitive (const PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatusPrimitive primitive)
 Returns the account status type with the specified primitive.
PurplePresence * purple_account_get_presence (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's presence.
gboolean purple_account_is_status_active (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *status_id)
 Returns whether or not an account status is active.
GList * purple_account_get_status_types (const PurpleAccount *account)
 Returns the account's status types.
int purple_account_get_int (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, int default_value)
 Returns a protocol-specific integer setting for an account.
const char * purple_account_get_string (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, const char *default_value)
 Returns a protocol-specific string setting for an account.
gboolean purple_account_get_bool (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *name, gboolean default_value)
 Returns a protocol-specific boolean setting for an account.
int purple_account_get_ui_int (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, int default_value)
 Returns a UI-specific integer setting for an account.
const char * purple_account_get_ui_string (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, const char *default_value)
 Returns a UI-specific string setting for an account.
gboolean purple_account_get_ui_bool (const PurpleAccount *account, const char *ui, const char *name, gboolean default_value)
 Returns a UI-specific boolean setting for an account.
PurpleLogpurple_account_get_log (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean create)
 Returns the system log for an account.
void purple_account_destroy_log (PurpleAccount *account)
 Frees the system log of an account.
void purple_account_add_buddy (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy)
 Adds a buddy to the server-side buddy list for the specified account.
void purple_account_add_buddy_with_invite (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy, const char *message)
 Adds a buddy to the server-side buddy list for the specified account.
void purple_account_add_buddies (PurpleAccount *account, GList *buddies)
 Adds a list of buddies to the server-side buddy list.
void purple_account_add_buddies_with_invite (PurpleAccount *account, GList *buddies, const char *message)
 Adds a list of buddies to the server-side buddy list.
void purple_account_remove_buddy (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group)
 Removes a buddy from the server-side buddy list.
void purple_account_remove_buddies (PurpleAccount *account, GList *buddies, GList *groups)
 Removes a list of buddies from the server-side buddy list.
void purple_account_remove_group (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleGroup *group)
 Removes a group from the server-side buddy list.
void purple_account_change_password (PurpleAccount *account, const char *orig_pw, const char *new_pw)
 Changes the password on the specified account.
gboolean purple_account_supports_offline_message (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy)
 Whether the account supports sending offline messages to buddy.
const PurpleConnectionErrorInfopurple_account_get_current_error (PurpleAccount *account)
 Get the error that caused the account to be disconnected, or NULL if the account is happily connected or disconnected without an error.
void purple_account_clear_current_error (PurpleAccount *account)
 Clear an account's current error state, resetting it to NULL.
Accounts API <br>
void purple_accounts_add (PurpleAccount *account)
 Adds an account to the list of accounts.
void purple_accounts_remove (PurpleAccount *account)
 Removes an account from the list of accounts.
void purple_accounts_delete (PurpleAccount *account)
 Deletes an account.
void purple_accounts_reorder (PurpleAccount *account, gint new_index)
 Reorders an account.
GList * purple_accounts_get_all (void)
 Returns a list of all accounts.
GList * purple_accounts_get_all_active (void)
 Returns a list of all enabled accounts.
PurpleAccountpurple_accounts_find (const char *name, const char *protocol)
 Finds an account with the specified name and protocol id.
void purple_accounts_restore_current_statuses (void)
 This is called by the core after all subsystems and what not have been initialized.
UI Registration Functions <br>
void purple_accounts_set_ui_ops (PurpleAccountUiOps *ops)
 Sets the UI operations structure to be used for accounts.
PurpleAccountUiOpspurple_accounts_get_ui_ops (void)
 Returns the UI operations structure used for accounts.
void purple_account_prefs_set_ui_ops (PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps *ops)
 Sets the UI operations structure to be used for account preferences.
PurpleAccountPrefsUiOpspurple_account_prefs_get_ui_ops (void)
 Returns the UI operations structure used for account preferences.
Accounts Subsystem <br>
void * purple_accounts_get_handle (void)
 Returns the accounts subsystem handle.
void purple_accounts_init (void)
 Initializes the accounts subsystem.
void purple_accounts_uninit (void)
 Uninitializes the accounts subsystem.

Detailed Description

Account API.

See also
Account Signals

Definition in file account.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PurpleAccount

typedef struct _PurpleAccount PurpleAccount

Structure representing an account.

Definition at line 38 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps

Account prefs UI operations, to allow the UI to catch account preference changes.

Unlike the PurplePrefsUiOps API, these are always stored internally in a hash table. If the UI wants to handle accounts settings, it must set them to the account on load and handle changes with set_ methods. Implementing load/save/schedule_save disables the built-in accounts.xml code.


Definition at line 36 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountRegistrationCb

typedef void(* PurpleAccountRegistrationCb) (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean succeeded, void *user_data)

Definition at line 42 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb

typedef void(* PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb) (void *)

Definition at line 41 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountUiOps

Account UI operations, used to notify the user of status changes and when buddies add this account to their buddy lists.

Definition at line 34 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb

typedef void(* PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb) (PurpleAccount *account, gboolean succeeded, void *user_data)

Definition at line 43 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleFilterAccountFunc

typedef gboolean(* PurpleFilterAccountFunc) (PurpleAccount *account)

Definition at line 40 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback

typedef void(* PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *error)

Definition at line 47 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback

typedef void(* PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *alias)

Definition at line 46 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback

typedef void(* PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *error)

Definition at line 45 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback

typedef void(* PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *new_alias)

Definition at line 44 of file account.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PurpleAccountRequestResponse

Account request response types.

Definition at line 67 of file account.h.

◆ PurpleAccountRequestType

Account request types.

Definition at line 59 of file account.h.

Function Documentation

◆ purple_account_add_buddies()

void purple_account_add_buddies ( PurpleAccount account,
GList *  buddies 

Adds a list of buddies to the server-side buddy list.

accountThe account.
buddiesThe list of PurpleBlistNodes representing the buddies to add.
Use purple_account_add_buddies_with_invite and NULL message.

◆ purple_account_add_buddies_with_invite()

void purple_account_add_buddies_with_invite ( PurpleAccount account,
GList *  buddies,
const char *  message 

Adds a list of buddies to the server-side buddy list.

accountThe account.
buddiesThe list of PurpleBlistNodes representing the buddies to add.
messageThe invite message. This may be ignored by a prpl.

◆ purple_account_add_buddy()

void purple_account_add_buddy ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleBuddy buddy 

Adds a buddy to the server-side buddy list for the specified account.

accountThe account.
buddyThe buddy to add.
Use purple_account_add_buddy_with_invite and NULL message.

◆ purple_account_add_buddy_with_invite()

void purple_account_add_buddy_with_invite ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleBuddy buddy,
const char *  message 

Adds a buddy to the server-side buddy list for the specified account.

accountThe account.
buddyThe buddy to add.
messageThe invite message. This may be ignored by a prpl.

◆ purple_account_change_password()

void purple_account_change_password ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  orig_pw,
const char *  new_pw 

Changes the password on the specified account.

accountThe account.
orig_pwThe old password.
new_pwThe new password.

◆ purple_account_clear_current_error()

void purple_account_clear_current_error ( PurpleAccount account)

Clear an account's current error state, resetting it to NULL.

accountThe account whose error state should be cleared.

◆ purple_account_clear_settings()

void purple_account_clear_settings ( PurpleAccount account)

Clears all protocol-specific settings on an account.

accountThe account.

◆ purple_account_connect()

void purple_account_connect ( PurpleAccount account)

Connects to an account.

accountThe account to connect to.

◆ purple_account_destroy()

void purple_account_destroy ( PurpleAccount account)

Destroys an account.

accountThe account to destroy.

◆ purple_account_destroy_log()

void purple_account_destroy_log ( PurpleAccount account)

Frees the system log of an account.

accountThe account.

◆ purple_account_disconnect()

void purple_account_disconnect ( PurpleAccount account)

Disconnects from an account.

accountThe account to disconnect from.

◆ purple_account_get_active_status()

PurpleStatus * purple_account_get_active_status ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the active status for this account.

This looks through the PurplePresence associated with this account and returns the PurpleStatus that has its active flag set to "TRUE." There can be only one active PurpleStatus in a PurplePresence.

accountThe account.
The active status.

◆ purple_account_get_alias()

const char * purple_account_get_alias ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's alias.

accountThe account.
The alias.

◆ purple_account_get_bool()

gboolean purple_account_get_bool ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
gboolean  default_value 

Returns a protocol-specific boolean setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_buddy_icon_path()

const char * purple_account_get_buddy_icon_path ( const PurpleAccount account)

Gets the account's buddy icon path.

accountThe account.
The buddy icon's non-cached path.

◆ purple_account_get_check_mail()

gboolean purple_account_get_check_mail ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns whether or not this account should check for mail.

accountThe account.
TRUE if it should check for mail.

◆ purple_account_get_connection()

PurpleConnection * purple_account_get_connection ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's connection.

accountThe account.
The connection.

◆ purple_account_get_current_error()

const PurpleConnectionErrorInfo * purple_account_get_current_error ( PurpleAccount account)

Get the error that caused the account to be disconnected, or NULL if the account is happily connected or disconnected without an error.

accountThe account whose error should be retrieved.
The return value of this function must not be modified or freed.
The type of error and a human-readable description of the current error, or NULL if there is no current error. This pointer is guaranteed to remain valid until the account-error-changed signal is emitted for account.

◆ purple_account_get_enabled()

gboolean purple_account_get_enabled ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui 

Returns whether or not this account is enabled for the specified UI.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI.
TRUE if it enabled on this UI.

◆ purple_account_get_int()

int purple_account_get_int ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
int  default_value 

Returns a protocol-specific integer setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_log()

PurpleLog * purple_account_get_log ( PurpleAccount account,
gboolean  create 

Returns the system log for an account.

accountThe account.
createShould it be created if it doesn't exist?
The log.
Callers should almost always pass FALSE for create. Passing TRUE could result in an existing log being reopened, if the log has already been closed, which not all loggers deal with appropriately.

◆ purple_account_get_name_for_display()

const gchar * purple_account_get_name_for_display ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns a name for this account appropriate for display to the user.

In order of preference: the account's alias; the contact or buddy alias (if the account exists on its own buddy list); the connection's display name; the account's username.

accountThe account.
The name to display.

◆ purple_account_get_password()

const char * purple_account_get_password ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's password.

accountThe account.
The password.

◆ purple_account_get_presence()

PurplePresence * purple_account_get_presence ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's presence.

accountThe account.
The account's presence.

◆ purple_account_get_privacy_type()

PurplePrivacyType purple_account_get_privacy_type ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's privacy type.

accountThe account.
The privacy type.

◆ purple_account_get_protocol_id()

const char * purple_account_get_protocol_id ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's protocol ID.

accountThe account.
The protocol ID.

◆ purple_account_get_protocol_name()

const char * purple_account_get_protocol_name ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's protocol name.

accountThe account.
The protocol name.

◆ purple_account_get_proxy_info()

PurpleProxyInfo * purple_account_get_proxy_info ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's proxy information.

accountThe account.
The proxy information.

◆ purple_account_get_public_alias()

void purple_account_get_public_alias ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback  success_cb,
PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback  failure_cb 

Fetch the server-side (public) alias for this account.

The account must already be connected.

accountThe account
success_cbA callback which will be called with the alias
failure_cbA callback which will be called if the prpl is unable to retrieve the server-side alias.

◆ purple_account_get_remember_password()

gboolean purple_account_get_remember_password ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns whether or not this account should save its password.

accountThe account.
TRUE if it should remember the password.

◆ purple_account_get_silence_suppression()

gboolean purple_account_get_silence_suppression ( const PurpleAccount account)

Return whether silence suppression is used during voice call.

accountThe account.
TRUE if suppression is used, or FALSE if not.

◆ purple_account_get_status()

PurpleStatus * purple_account_get_status ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  status_id 

Returns the account status with the specified ID.

Note that this works differently than purple_buddy_get_status() in that it will only return NULL if the status was not registered.

accountThe account.
status_idThe status ID.
The status, or NULL if it was never registered.

◆ purple_account_get_status_type()

PurpleStatusType * purple_account_get_status_type ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  id 

Returns the account status type with the specified ID.

accountThe account.
idThe ID of the status type to find.
The status type if found, or NULL.

◆ purple_account_get_status_type_with_primitive()

PurpleStatusType * purple_account_get_status_type_with_primitive ( const PurpleAccount account,
PurpleStatusPrimitive  primitive 

Returns the account status type with the specified primitive.

Note: It is possible for an account to have more than one PurpleStatusType with the same primitive. In this case, the first PurpleStatusType is returned.

accountThe account.
primitiveThe type of the status type to find.
The status if found, or NULL.

◆ purple_account_get_status_types()

GList * purple_account_get_status_types ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's status types.

accountThe account.
The return value of this function must not be modified or freed.
The account's status types.

◆ purple_account_get_string()

const char * purple_account_get_string ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
const char *  default_value 

Returns a protocol-specific string setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_ui_bool()

gboolean purple_account_get_ui_bool ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
gboolean  default_value 

Returns a UI-specific boolean setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_ui_int()

int purple_account_get_ui_int ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
int  default_value 

Returns a UI-specific integer setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_ui_string()

const char * purple_account_get_ui_string ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
const char *  default_value 

Returns a UI-specific string setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
default_valueThe default value.
The value.

◆ purple_account_get_user_info()

const char * purple_account_get_user_info ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's user information.

accountThe account.
The user information.

◆ purple_account_get_username()

const char * purple_account_get_username ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns the account's username.

accountThe account.
The username.

◆ purple_account_is_connected()

gboolean purple_account_is_connected ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns whether or not the account is connected.

accountThe account.
TRUE if connected, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_account_is_connecting()

gboolean purple_account_is_connecting ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns whether or not the account is connecting.

accountThe account.
TRUE if connecting, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_account_is_disconnected()

gboolean purple_account_is_disconnected ( const PurpleAccount account)

Returns whether or not the account is disconnected.

accountThe account.
TRUE if disconnected, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_account_is_status_active()

gboolean purple_account_is_status_active ( const PurpleAccount account,
const char *  status_id 

Returns whether or not an account status is active.

accountThe account.
status_idThe status ID.
TRUE if active, or FALSE if not.

◆ purple_account_new()

PurpleAccount * purple_account_new ( const char *  username,
const char *  protocol_id 

Creates a new account.

usernameThe username.
protocol_idThe protocol ID.
The new account.

◆ purple_account_notify_added()

void purple_account_notify_added ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  remote_user,
const char *  id,
const char *  alias,
const char *  message 

Notifies the user that the account was added to a remote user's buddy list.

This will present a dialog informing the user that he was added to the remote user's buddy list.

accountThe account that was added.
remote_userThe name of the user that added this account.
idThe optional ID of the local account. Rarely used.
aliasThe optional alias of the user.
messageThe optional message sent from the user adding you.

◆ purple_account_prefs_get_ui_ops()

PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps * purple_account_prefs_get_ui_ops ( void  )

Returns the UI operations structure used for account preferences.

The UI operations structure in use.

◆ purple_account_prefs_set_ui_ops()

void purple_account_prefs_set_ui_ops ( PurpleAccountPrefsUiOps ops)

Sets the UI operations structure to be used for account preferences.

opsThe UI operations structure.

◆ purple_account_register()

void purple_account_register ( PurpleAccount account)

Registers an account.

accountThe account to register.

◆ purple_account_remove_buddies()

void purple_account_remove_buddies ( PurpleAccount account,
GList *  buddies,
GList *  groups 

Removes a list of buddies from the server-side buddy list.

The lists buddies and groups are parallel lists. Be sure that node n of groups matches node n of buddies.
accountThe account.
buddiesThe list of buddies to remove.
groupsThe list of groups to remove buddies from. Each node of this list should match the corresponding node of buddies.

◆ purple_account_remove_buddy()

void purple_account_remove_buddy ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleBuddy buddy,
PurpleGroup group 

Removes a buddy from the server-side buddy list.

accountThe account.
buddyThe buddy to remove.
groupThe group to remove the buddy from.

◆ purple_account_remove_group()

void purple_account_remove_group ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleGroup group 

Removes a group from the server-side buddy list.

accountThe account.
groupThe group to remove.

◆ purple_account_remove_setting()

void purple_account_remove_setting ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  setting 

Removes an account-specific setting by name.

accountThe account.
settingThe setting to remove.

◆ purple_account_request_add()

void purple_account_request_add ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  remote_user,
const char *  id,
const char *  alias,
const char *  message 

Notifies the user that the account was addded to a remote user's buddy list and asks ther user if they want to add the remote user to their buddy list.

This will present a dialog informing the local user that the remote user added them to the remote user's buddy list and will ask if they want to add the remote user to the buddy list.

accountThe account that was added.
remote_userThe name of the user that added this account.
idThe optional ID of the local account. Rarely used.
aliasThe optional alias of the user.
messageThe optional message sent from the user adding you.

◆ purple_account_request_authorization()

void * purple_account_request_authorization ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  remote_user,
const char *  id,
const char *  alias,
const char *  message,
gboolean  on_list,
PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb  auth_cb,
PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb  deny_cb,
void *  user_data 

Notifies the user that a remote user has wants to add the local user to his or her buddy list and requires authorization to do so.

This will present a dialog informing the user of this and ask if the user authorizes or denies the remote user from adding him.

accountThe account that was added
remote_userThe name of the user that added this account.
idThe optional ID of the local account. Rarely used.
aliasThe optional alias of the remote user.
messageThe optional message sent by the user wanting to add you.
on_listIs the remote user already on the buddy list?
auth_cbThe callback called when the local user accepts
deny_cbThe callback called when the local user rejects
user_dataData to be passed back to the above callbacks
A UI-specific handle.

◆ purple_account_request_change_password()

void purple_account_request_change_password ( PurpleAccount account)

Requests information from the user to change the account's password.

accountThe account to change the password on.

◆ purple_account_request_change_user_info()

void purple_account_request_change_user_info ( PurpleAccount account)

Requests information from the user to change the account's user information.

accountThe account to change the user information on.

◆ purple_account_request_close()

void purple_account_request_close ( void *  ui_handle)

Close the account request for the given ui handle.

ui_handleThe ui specific handle for which requests should be closed

◆ purple_account_request_close_with_account()

void purple_account_request_close_with_account ( PurpleAccount account)

Close account requests registered for the given PurpleAccount.

accountThe account for which requests should be closed

◆ purple_account_request_password()

void purple_account_request_password ( PurpleAccount account,
GCallback  ok_cb,
GCallback  cancel_cb,
void *  user_data 

Requests a password from the user for the account.

Does not set the account password on success; do that in ok_cb if desired.

accountThe account to request the password for.
ok_cbThe callback for the OK button.
cancel_cbThe callback for the cancel button.
user_dataUser data to be passed into callbacks.

◆ purple_account_set_alias()

void purple_account_set_alias ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  alias 

Sets the account's alias.

accountThe account.
aliasThe alias.

◆ purple_account_set_bool()

void purple_account_set_bool ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
gboolean  value 

Sets a protocol-specific boolean setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_buddy_icon_path()

void purple_account_set_buddy_icon_path ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  path 

Sets the account's buddy icon path.

accountThe account.
pathThe buddy icon non-cached path.

◆ purple_account_set_check_mail()

void purple_account_set_check_mail ( PurpleAccount account,
gboolean  value 

Sets whether or not this account should check for mail.

accountThe account.
valueTRUE if it should check for mail.

◆ purple_account_set_connection()

void purple_account_set_connection ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleConnection gc 

Sets the account's connection.

accountThe account.
gcThe connection.

◆ purple_account_set_enabled()

void purple_account_set_enabled ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
gboolean  value 

Sets whether or not this account is enabled for the specified UI.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI.
valueTRUE if it is enabled.

◆ purple_account_set_int()

void purple_account_set_int ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
int  value 

Sets a protocol-specific integer setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_password()

void purple_account_set_password ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  password 

Sets the account's password.

accountThe account.
passwordThe password.

◆ purple_account_set_privacy_type()

void purple_account_set_privacy_type ( PurpleAccount account,
PurplePrivacyType  privacy_type 

Sets the account's privacy type.

accountThe account.
privacy_typeThe privacy type.

◆ purple_account_set_protocol_id()

void purple_account_set_protocol_id ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  protocol_id 

Sets the account's protocol ID.

accountThe account.
protocol_idThe protocol ID.

◆ purple_account_set_proxy_info()

void purple_account_set_proxy_info ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleProxyInfo info 

Sets the account's proxy information.

accountThe account.
infoThe proxy information.

◆ purple_account_set_public_alias()

void purple_account_set_public_alias ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  alias,
PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback  success_cb,
PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback  failure_cb 

Set a server-side (public) alias for this account.

The account must already be connected.

Currently, the public alias is not stored locally, although this may change in a later version.

accountThe account
aliasThe new public alias for this account or NULL to unset the alias/nickname (or return it to a protocol-specific "default", like the username)
success_cbA callback which will be called if the alias is successfully set on the server (or NULL).
failure_cbA callback which will be called if the alias is not successfully set on the server (or NULL).

◆ purple_account_set_register_callback()

void purple_account_set_register_callback ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleAccountRegistrationCb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Sets the callback for successful registration.

accountThe account for which this callback should be used
cbThe callback
user_dataThe user data passed to the callback

◆ purple_account_set_remember_password()

void purple_account_set_remember_password ( PurpleAccount account,
gboolean  value 

Sets whether or not this account should save its password.

accountThe account.
valueTRUE if it should remember the password.

◆ purple_account_set_silence_suppression()

void purple_account_set_silence_suppression ( PurpleAccount account,
gboolean  value 

Sets whether silence suppression is used during voice call.

accountThe account.
valueTRUE if suppression should be used.

◆ purple_account_set_status()

void purple_account_set_status ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  status_id,
gboolean  active,

Variadic version of purple_account_set_status_list(); the variadic list replaces attrs, and should be NULL-terminated.

Activates or deactivates a status.

All changes to the statuses of an account go through this function or purple_account_set_status().

You can only deactivate an exclusive status by activating another exclusive status. So, if status_id is an exclusive status and active is FALSE, this function does nothing.

accountThe account.
status_idThe ID of the status.
activeWhether status_id is to be activated (TRUE) or deactivated (FALSE).
attrsA list of const char * attribute names followed by const char * attribute values for the status. (For example, one pair might be "message" followed by "hello, talk to me!".)

◆ purple_account_set_status_list()

void purple_account_set_status_list ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  status_id,
gboolean  active,
GList *  attrs 

Activates or deactivates a status.

All changes to the statuses of an account go through this function or purple_account_set_status().

You can only deactivate an exclusive status by activating another exclusive status. So, if status_id is an exclusive status and active is FALSE, this function does nothing.

accountThe account.
status_idThe ID of the status.
activeWhether status_id is to be activated (TRUE) or deactivated (FALSE).
attrsA list of const char * attribute names followed by const char * attribute values for the status. (For example, one pair might be "message" followed by "hello, talk to me!".)

◆ purple_account_set_status_types()

void purple_account_set_status_types ( PurpleAccount account,
GList *  status_types 

Sets the account's status types.

accountThe account.
status_typesThe list of status types.

◆ purple_account_set_string()

void purple_account_set_string ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Sets a protocol-specific string setting for an account.

accountThe account.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_ui_bool()

void purple_account_set_ui_bool ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
gboolean  value 

Sets a UI-specific boolean setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_ui_int()

void purple_account_set_ui_int ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
int  value 

Sets a UI-specific integer setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_ui_string()

void purple_account_set_ui_string ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  ui,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Sets a UI-specific string setting for an account.

accountThe account.
uiThe UI name.
nameThe name of the setting.
valueThe setting's value.

◆ purple_account_set_user_info()

void purple_account_set_user_info ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  user_info 

Sets the account's user information.

accountThe account.
user_infoThe user information.

◆ purple_account_set_username()

void purple_account_set_username ( PurpleAccount account,
const char *  username 

Sets the account's username.

accountThe account.
usernameThe username.

◆ purple_account_supports_offline_message()

gboolean purple_account_supports_offline_message ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleBuddy buddy 

Whether the account supports sending offline messages to buddy.

accountThe account
buddyThe buddy

◆ purple_account_unregister()

void purple_account_unregister ( PurpleAccount account,
PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Unregisters an account (deleting it from the server).

accountThe account to unregister.
cbOptional callback to be called when unregistration is complete
user_datauser data to pass to the callback

◆ purple_accounts_add()

void purple_accounts_add ( PurpleAccount account)

Adds an account to the list of accounts.

accountThe account.

◆ purple_accounts_delete()

void purple_accounts_delete ( PurpleAccount account)

Deletes an account.

This will remove any buddies from the buddy list that belong to this account, buddy pounces that belong to this account, and will also destroy account.

accountThe account.

◆ purple_accounts_find()

PurpleAccount * purple_accounts_find ( const char *  name,
const char *  protocol 

Finds an account with the specified name and protocol id.

nameThe account username.
protocolThe account protocol ID.
The account, if found, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_accounts_get_all()

GList * purple_accounts_get_all ( void  )

Returns a list of all accounts.

The return value of this function must not be modified or freed.
A list of all accounts.

◆ purple_accounts_get_all_active()

GList * purple_accounts_get_all_active ( void  )

Returns a list of all enabled accounts.

A list of all enabled accounts. The list is owned by the caller, and must be g_list_free()d to avoid leaking the nodes.

◆ purple_accounts_get_handle()

void * purple_accounts_get_handle ( void  )

Returns the accounts subsystem handle.

The accounts subsystem handle.

◆ purple_accounts_get_ui_ops()

PurpleAccountUiOps * purple_accounts_get_ui_ops ( void  )

Returns the UI operations structure used for accounts.

The UI operations structure in use.

◆ purple_accounts_remove()

void purple_accounts_remove ( PurpleAccount account)

Removes an account from the list of accounts.

accountThe account.

◆ purple_accounts_reorder()

void purple_accounts_reorder ( PurpleAccount account,
gint  new_index 

Reorders an account.

accountThe account to reorder.
new_indexThe new index for the account.

◆ purple_accounts_restore_current_statuses()

void purple_accounts_restore_current_statuses ( void  )

This is called by the core after all subsystems and what not have been initialized.

It sets all enabled accounts to their startup status by signing them on, setting them away, etc.

You probably shouldn't call this unless you really know what you're doing.

◆ purple_accounts_set_ui_ops()

void purple_accounts_set_ui_ops ( PurpleAccountUiOps ops)

Sets the UI operations structure to be used for accounts.

opsThe UI operations structure.