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Change History for CertMgr

Version Date Author Comment
79 16 years wehlhard
78 16 years wehlhard
77 16 years wehlhard
76 16 years wehlhard
75 16 years wehlhard
74 16 years wehlhard
73 17 years wehlhard
72 17 years wehlhard update pretty charts
71 17 years wehlhard
70 17 years wehlhard
69 17 years wehlhard
68 17 years wehlhard
67 17 years wehlhard
66 17 years wehlhard
65 17 years wehlhard more renames!
64 17 years wehlhard
63 17 years wehlhard signals tables
62 17 years wehlhard more pretty grids
61 17 years wehlhard
60 17 years wehlhard
59 17 years wehlhard update pretty grids
58 17 years wehlhard
57 17 years wehlhard
56 17 years wehlhard
55 17 years wehlhard
54 17 years wehlhard
53 17 years wehlhard
52 17 years wehlhard yay for writing
51 17 years wehlhard update docs
50 17 years wehlhard
49 17 years wehlhard x509 cert requirements
48 17 years wehlhard
47 17 years wehlhard
46 17 years wehlhard yet more tables
45 17 years wehlhard more pretty status tables
44 17 years wehlhard exposure
43 17 years wehlhard toc
42 17 years wehlhard better organization
41 17 years wehlhard expose get_peer_certs
40 17 years wehlhard computers are really stupid sometimes
39 17 years wehlhard fix terminology
38 17 years wehlhard certauthorizer notes
37 17 years wehlhard add sslops tracking section
36 17 years wehlhard talk about order
35 17 years wehlhard specify that get_peer_certificates returns a GList
34 17 years wehlhard write about certscheme requirements
33 17 years wehlhard make a handy table
32 17 years wehlhard update api
31 17 years wehlhard update status
30 17 years wehlhard
29 17 years wehlhard update status
28 17 years wehlhard documentation!
27 17 years wehlhard
26 17 years wehlhard preview is my friend
25 17 years wehlhard
24 17 years wehlhard
23 17 years wehlhard
22 17 years wehlhard
21 17 years wehlhard
20 17 years wehlhard
19 17 years wehlhard
18 17 years wehlhard
17 17 years wehlhard
16 17 years wehlhard
15 17 years wehlhard
14 17 years wehlhard
13 17 years wehlhard
12 17 years wehlhard
11 17 years wehlhard
10 17 years wehlhard
9 17 years wehlhard
8 17 years wehlhard
7 17 years wehlhard
6 17 years wehlhard
5 17 years wehlhard
4 17 years wehlhard
3 17 years wehlhard
2 17 years wehlhard
1 17 years wehlhard
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