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Change History for GSoC2008/FinchImprovements

Version Date Author Comment
12 15 years queueram Resizing done.
11 15 years queueram Added window exchanging task.
10 15 years queueram Further breakdown of tiling window manager
9 15 years queueram Some more completions
8 16 years queueram Fixed strikethroughs and added TWM task
7 16 years queueram Updating status of some tasks
6 16 years queueram Spell checking suggestions done! Added bug in sub-menus.
5 16 years sadrul keep the list of implemented features, so people know what's going on, …
4 16 years queueram Updated tasks
3 16 years queueram Added some other tasks
2 16 years queueram Converted tasks to a more thorough To-Do list.
1 16 years queueram Added project description
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