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Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of GSoC2012/Statscollector

Aug 19, 2012, 11:05:33 AM (11 years ago)



  • TabularUnified GSoC2012/Statscollector

    v2 v3  
    5252== Ensuring server names in prpl-jabber/irc are public ==
     54One problem very rightly pointed out by elb (Ethan) regarding displaying Jabber/IRC breakdown is that it may potentially reveal private servers which can then reveal identity of users. We don't want that obviously :-). Also if a user is running a local server for some development purposes, we don't want that either. To solve these problems this mechanism has been provided:
     56=== Plugin ===
     57 * The plugins will ask for a trusted list of servers from the Stats server
     58  * This list will actually contain md5 hashes
     59 * If the current server is in the list then we can simply put it's name in stats.xml, else
     60  * The server is yet to be determined as public
     61 * In both cases, the current stats will count as evidence towards it's being public
     63=== Server ===
     64 * The server will check for incoming stats, if it contains only the Hash or both Hash and Name
     65 * If only hash is present, then it'll increment confidence for it being public else,
     66 * If both hash and name are present, it'll check if md5(name) == hash ^ hash in trusted_list
     67  * If both conditions are satisfied, then the name will come in display else not
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