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Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of HelpWanted

Nov 30, 2007, 5:42:09 AM (16 years ago)
John Bailey

list some known deficiencies per a suggestion I received.


  • TabularUnified HelpWanted

    v3 v4  
    1818    * Please document any other brokenness or ugliness here!
    1919 * Yahoo!
     20    * File transfer does not work when the recipient uses the OS X client or versions 7 and 8 of the Windows client.
     21       * We have a patch to implement ''receive-only'' support for when the sender uses version 7 for Windows and the receiver uses Pidgin/Finch.
     22       * We need send support for both new methods.
     23    * MSN interoperability support is probably not as good as it should be, but this may require changing more than just the Yahoo plugin.
    2024 * ICQ
     25    * Privacy support is basically non-existant; this probably needs a complete rewrite.
     26    * Away messages don't work correctly with official clients and some third-party clients.
     27    * Buddy icons may not work correctly with official clients and some third-party clients.
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