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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of PageTemplates

Aug 10, 2008, 8:15:55 PM (15 years ago)



  • TabularUnified PageTemplates

    v1 v1  
     1= Wiki Page Templates =
     3  ''(since [ 0.11])''
     5The default content for a new wiki page can be chosen from a list of page templates.
     7That list is made up from all the existing wiki pages having a name starting with ''PageTemplates/''.
     8The initial content of a new page will simply be the content of the chosen template page, or a blank page if the special ''(blank page)'' entry is selected. When there's actually no wiki pages matching that prefix, the initial content will always be the blank page and the list selector will not be shown (i.e. this matches the behavior we had up to now).
     10To create a new template, simply create a new page having a name starting with ''PageTemplates/''.
     12(Hint: one could even create a ''!PageTemplates/Template'' for facilitating the creation of new templates!)
     14Available templates:
     18See also: TracWiki
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