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Changes between Version 98 and Version 99 of SoCAndBountyIdeas

May 3, 2013, 3:09:39 AM (11 years ago)
Gary Kramlich



  • TabularUnified SoCAndBountyIdeas

    v98 v99  
    105105   * [wiki:rekkanoryo]: Plugins should become gobjects and prpl's should be implementations of a !PurpleProtocolIface (or similarly named interface) as a mandatory requirement of gobjectification.
    106106   * [wiki:gillux]: If that’s any motivation for anyone interested by this project, I’d like to point out that any improvment made on the gobjectification side will allow the old [wiki:GSoC2010/DetachableLibpurple detachable session project] to ~~resuscitate~~ improve and eventually get to a usable state.
     107   * [wiki:grim]: I need to take a look at the docbook and get it up to date.  Also we could pull my [ GPlugin] library in now too (still needs to be packaged for distros, but better than rewriting the entire plugin api)
    108109== Web site translations ==
    125126== Javascript plugin loader ==
    126127Similar to the Perl and Mono plugin loaders but for Javascript
     129  * [wiki:grim] If gobjectification gets implemented this gets *VERY* easy with gobject-introspection.
    128131== Easy plugins with a website ==
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