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Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ThemingPidgin

Nov 3, 2013, 2:46:33 AM (10 years ago)

Make inter-wiki links relative (and especially don't link to http, since we always redirect http to https).


  • ThemingPidgin

    v4 v5  
    7070To give users more control, Pidgin allows further customization through its own theme.xml files.  Pidgin's Buddy List theme.xml file offers exact control of text and background colour elements in the buddy list window.  BUT, as luck would have it, GTK's "MS-Windows" constrains what can be overridden (the only GTK theme to do so). Thus, theme.xml cannot work properly with it.  The end result is, to make use of the fine grain control of Pidgin's theme.xml, one must not use the GTK's MS-Win theme.  Which is particularly problematic since it is the only GTK theme that can show through Win OS appearance - all other GTK themes take over and mask it.  This, regrettably, means that all the effort you've invested in making a beautiful OS theme cannot be seen in Pidgin.  It also means that since you cannot rely on GUI information coming from the OS, you now MUST install a GTK theme pack with a theme selector tool (as discussed above) in order to circumvent the only decent looking but malfunctioning GTK file that comes with Pidgin.
    72 After downloading a theme pack, you get access to a large number of GTK themes the manifestation of which you can indirectly affect with theme.xml.  Details of theme.xml file syntax, explanation of controls available as well as some sample files can be found here:
     72After downloading a theme pack, you get access to a large number of GTK themes the manifestation of which you can indirectly affect with theme.xml.  Details of theme.xml file syntax, explanation of controls available as well as some sample files can be found at BuddyListThemes
    7474=== Creating a theme.xml file ===
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