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Version 9 (modified by moonfern, 17 years ago) (diff)


How to Submit a Bug Report

  1. Search existing bug reports and don't submit a duplicate report.
  2. Create a new ticket.
    Note: You must be logged in!

Windows Users

What to do if Pidgin crashes

Download and install the debug version of Pidgin for Windows. The next time you run Pidgin and it crashes, the call stack will be dumped to a pidgin.RPT file in your Pidgin install dir. When submitting a bug report, give a detailed description on how to produce your bug and attach the most recent crash dump from your pidgin.RPT.

Obtaining a Debug Log

If asked to obtain a debug log, the following steps will help you do so.

If Pidgin isn't crashing, you can use the Debug Window (Help->Debug Window) to obtain the debug log output.

If Pidgin is crashing, you can save the debug output to a file by opening a cmd shell and starting Pidgin as follows:
(You should replace C:\Program Files\Pidgin with the path to which you installed Pidgin if it is different)

cd "C:\Program Files\Pidgin"
pidgin.exe -d > debug.log

This will cause the debug output to be saved in a file called debug.log.

All Other Users

See our Getting a Backtrace page.

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