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Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracAccessibility

Sep 9, 2012, 11:47:55 PM (11 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracAccessibility

    v2 v3  
    33Not every user has a graphic environment with a mouse or other pointing device. Some users rely on keyboard, alternative keyboard or voice input to navigate links, activate form controls, etc. In Trac, we work to assure users may interact with devices other than a pointing device.
    5 Trac supports accessibility keys for the most common operations. On Windows and Linux platforms, press any of the keys listed below in combination with the `<Alt>` key; on a Mac, use the `<ctrl>` key instead.
     5The keyboard shortcuts must be enabled for a session through the [/prefs/keybindings Keyboard Shortcuts] preferences panel.
    7 ''Note that when using Internet Explorer on Windows, you need to hit `<Enter>` after having used the access key.''[[BR]]
    8 ''Note that when using Firefox 2.0 on Windows, you need to hit `<Shift> + <Alt> + <Key>`.''
     7Trac supports accessibility keys for the most common operations.
     8 - on Linux platforms, press any of the keys listed below in combination with the `<Alt>` key
     9 - on a Mac, use the `<ctrl>` key instead
     10 - on Windows, you need to hit `<Shift> + <Alt> + <Key>`. This works for most browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer)
    1012== Global Access Keys ==
    1618 * `6` - [wiki:TracGuide Trac Guide / Documentation]
    1719 * `7` - [wiki:TracTickets New Ticket]
    18  * `9` - [../about About Trac]
     20 * `9` - [/about About Trac]
    1921 * `0` - This page
    2022 * `e` - Edit this page
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