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Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracIni

Oct 26, 2014, 6:01:55 PM (9 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracIni

    v3 v4  
    1212== Global Configuration ==
    14 In versions prior to 0.11, the global configuration was by default located in `$prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini` or /etc/trac/trac.ini, depending on the distribution. If you're upgrading, you may want to specify that file to inherit from.  Literally, when you're upgrading to 0.11, you have to add an `[inherit]` section to your project's `trac.ini` file. Additionally, you have to move your customized templates and common images from `$prefix/share/trac/...` to the new location.
     14In versions prior to 0.11, the global configuration was by default located in `$prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini` or `/etc/trac/trac.ini`, depending on the distribution. If you're upgrading, you may want to specify that file to inherit from.  Literally, when you're upgrading to 0.11, you have to add an `[inherit]` section to your project's `trac.ini` file. Additionally, you have to move your customized templates and common images from `$prefix/share/trac/...` to the new location.
    1616Global options will be merged with the environment-specific options, where local options override global options. The options file is specified as follows:
    3131This is a brief reference of available configuration options, and their default settings.
     33 ''Note that the [hg], [spam-filter], [translatedpages], [vote], [wikiextras] and [wikiextras-symbols] sections below are added by plugins enabled on this Trac, and therefore won't be part of a default installation.''
     37Suggest your documentation fixes in the Discussion section at 
     38the bottom of the page, or better send us patches against
     39the corresponding docstrings you'll find in the code!
     41Please don't waste your time by editing the HTML code below, changes won't be picked up.
     45== Discussion ==
     46''Please discuss documentation changes here. Even better, send us documentation patches against the code, either on Trac-dev or on new tickets.''
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