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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracInterfaceCustomization

Aug 10, 2008, 8:15:55 PM (15 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracInterfaceCustomization

    v1 v2  
    42 == Site Header & Footer ==
     42== Custom Navigation Entries ==
     43The new [mainnav] and [metanav] can now be used to customize the text and link used for the navigation items, or even to disable them (but not for adding new ones).
    44 In the environment folder for each Trac project there should be a directory called {{{templates}}}.  This folder contains files {{{site_header.cs}}} and {{{site_footer.cs}}}.  Users can customize their Trac site by adding the required HTML markup to these files.  The content of these two files will be placed immediately following the opening {{{<body>}}} tag and immediately preceding the closing {{{</body>}}} tag of each page in the site, respectively.
     45In the following example, we rename the link to the Wiki start "Home", and hide the "Help/Guide". We also make the "View Tickets" entry link to a specific report .
     48wiki.label = Home
     49tickets.href = /report/24
    46 These files may contain static HTML, though if users desire to have dynamically generated content they can make use of the [ ClearSilver] templating language from within the pages as well. When you need to see what variables are available to the template, append the query string `?hdfdump=1` to the URL of your Trac site. This will display a structured view of the template data.
    48 == Site CSS ==
    49 The primary means to adjust the layout of a Trac site is to add [ CSS] style rules that overlay the default rules. This is best done by editing the `site_css.cs` file in the enviroment's `templates` directory. The content of that template gets inserted into a `<style type="text/css"></style>` element on every HTML page generated by Trac.
    51 While you can add your custom style rules directly to the `site_css.cs` file, it is recommended that you simply reference an external style sheet, thereby enabling browsers to cache the CSS file instead of transmitting the rules with every response.
    53 The following example would import a style sheet located in the `style` root directory of your host:
    54 {{{
    55 @import url(/style/mytrac.css);
     52help = disabled
    58 You can use a !ClearSilver variable to reference a style sheet stored in the project environment's `htdocs` directory:
     55See also TracNavigation for a more detailed explanation of the mainnav and metanav terms.
     57== Site Appearance ==
     59Trac is using [ Genshi] as the templating engine. Documentation is yet to be written, in the meantime the following tip should work.
     61Say you want to add a link to a custom stylesheet, and then your own
     62header and footer.  Create a file {{{/path/to/env/templates/site.html}}} or {{{/path/to/inherit/option/templates_dir/site.html}}}, with contents like this:
    60 @import url(<?cs var:chrome.href ?>/site/style.css);
     66<html xmlns=""
     67      xmlns:py=""
     68      py:strip="">
     70  <!--! Add site-specific style sheet -->
     71  <head py:match="head" py:attrs="select('@*')">
     72    ${select('*|comment()|text()')}
     73    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
     74          href="${'site/style.css')}" />
     75  </head>
     77  <body py:match="body" py:attrs="select('@*')">
     78    <!--! Add site-specific header -->
     79    <div id="siteheader">
     80      <!--! Place your header content here... -->
     81    </div>
     83    ${select('*|text()')}
     85    <!--! Add site-specific footer -->
     86    <div id="sitefooter">
     87      <!--! Place your footer content here... -->
     88    </div>
     89  </body>
     92Note that this references your environment's `htdocs/style.css`.
     94Example snippet of adding introduction text to the new ticket form (hide when preview):
     98<form py:match="div[@id='content' and @class='ticket']/form" py:attrs="select('@*')">
     99  <py:if test="req.environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/newticket' and (not 'preview' in req.args)">
     100    <p>Please make sure to search for existing tickets before reporting a new one!</p>
     101  </py:if>
     102  ${select('*')}
     106If the environment is upgraded from 0.10 and a `site_newticket.cs` file already exists, it can actually be loaded by using a workaroud - providing it contains no ClearSilver processing. In addition, as only one element can be imported, the content needs some sort of wrapper such as a `<div>` block or other similar parent container. The XInclude namespace must be specified to allow includes, but that can be moved to document root along with the others:
     109<form py:match="div[@id='content' and @class='ticket']/form" py:attrs="select('@*')"
     110        xmlns:xi="">
     111  <py:if test="req.environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/newticket' and (not 'preview' in req.args)">
     112    <xi:include href="site_newticket.cs"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
     113  </py:if>
     114  ${select('*')}
     118Also note that the `site.html` (despite its name) can be put in a common templates directory - see the `[inherit] templates_dir` option. This could provide easier maintainence (and a migration path from 0.10 for larger installations) as one new global `site.html` file can be made to include any existing header, footer and newticket snippets.
    63120== Project List ==
    64 You can use a custom ClearSilver template to display the list of projects if you are using Trac with multiple projects. 
     121You can use a custom Genshi template to display the list of projects if you are using Trac with multiple projects. 
    66123The following is the basic template used by Trac to display a list of links to the projects.  For projects that could not be loaded it displays an error message. You can use this as a starting point for your own index template.
    70 <html>
    71 <head><title>Available Projects</title></head>
    72 <body>
    73  <h1>Available Projects</h1>
    74  <ul><?cs
    75  each:project = projects ?><li><?cs
    76   if:project.href ?>
    77    <a href="<?cs var:project.href ?>" title="<?cs var:project.description ?>">
    78     <?cs ?></a><?cs
    79   else ?>
    80    <small><?cs ?>: <em>Error</em> <br />
    81    (<?cs var:project.description ?>)</small><?cs
    82   /if ?>
    83   </li><?cs
    84  /each ?>
    85  </ul>
    86 </body>
     127<!DOCTYPE html
     128    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
     129    "">
     130<html xmlns=""
     131      xmlns:py=""
     132      xmlns:xi="">
     133  <head>
     134    <title>Available Projects</title>
     135  </head>
     136  <body>
     137    <h1>Available Projects</h1>
     138    <ul>
     139      <li py:for="project in projects" py:choose="">
     140        <a py:when="project.href" href="$project.href"
     141           title="$project.description">$</a>
     142        <py:otherwise>
     143          <small>$ <em>Error</em> <br /> ($project.description)</small>
     144        </py:otherwise>
     145      </li>
     146    </ul>
     147  </body>
    90 Once you've created your custom template you will need to configure the webserver to tell Trac where the template is located:
     151Once you've created your custom template you will need to configure the webserver to tell Trac where the template is located (pls verify ... not yet changed to 0.11):
    92153For [wiki:TracFastCgi FastCGI]:
    109 == Main Templates ==
    111 It is also possible to use your own modified versions of the Trac [ ClearSilver] templates. Note though that this technique is not recommended because it makes upgrading Trac rather problematic: there are unfortunately several dependencies between the templates and the application code, such as the name of form fields and the structure of the template data, and these are likely to change between different versions of Trac.
    113 If you absolutely need to use modified templates, copy the template files from the default templates directory (usually in found in `$prefix/share/trac/templates`) into the `templates` directory of the project environment. Then modify those copies to get the desired results.
     169For [wiki:TracStandalone], you'll need to set up the `TRAC_ENV_INDEX_TEMPLATE` environment variable in the shell used to launch tracd:
     170 - Unix
     171   {{{
     173$ export TRAC_ENV_INDEX_TEMPLATE=/path/to/template
     174   }}}
     175 - Windows
     176   {{{
     178$ set TRAC_ENV_INDEX_TEMPLATE=/path/to/template
     179   }}}
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