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Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracLinks

Oct 26, 2014, 6:01:55 PM (9 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracLinks

    v3 v4  
    2828 Milestones :: `milestone:1.0`
    2929 Attachment :: `attachment:example.tgz` (for current page attachment), `attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944` (absolute path)
    30  Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk`
     30 Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk`, `[1/repository]`
    3131 Revision log :: `r1:3`, `[1:3]` or `log:@1:3`, `log:trunk@1:3`, `[2:5/trunk]`
    3232 Diffs :: `diff:@1:3`, `diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953`,
    4343 Milestones :: milestone:1.0
    4444 Attachment :: attachment:example.tgz (for current page attachment), attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944 (absolute path)
    45  Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk
     45 Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk, [1/repository]
    4646 Revision log :: r1:3, [1:3] or log:@1:3, log:trunk@1:3, [2:5/trunk]
    4747 Diffs :: diff:@1:3, diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953,
    316316=== timeline: links ===
    318 Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but alternatively you can specify your local time, followed by your timezone if you don't want to compute the UTC time.
     318Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but if you don't want to compute the UTC time, you can specify a local time followed by your timezone offset relative to UTC.
    323323 - `timeline:2008-01-29T15:48Z`
    324324 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01`
     325 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+0100`
     326 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01:00`
    326328''(since Trac 0.11)''
    350352 - `source:/tag/0.10@head#L10`
    352 Finally, one can also highlight an arbitrary set of lines:
    353  - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103.
    354    ''(since 0.11)''
     354Finally, one can also highlight an arbitrary set of lines ''(since 0.11)'':
     355 - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103, and target line 99
     356 - or without version number (the `@` is still needed): `source:/some/file@:10-20,100,103#L99`. Version can be omitted when the path is pointing to a source file that will no longer change (like `source:/tags/...`), otherwise it's better to specify which lines of //which version// of the file you're talking about
    356358Note that in presence of multiple repositories, the name of the repository is simply integrated in the path you specify for `source:` (e.g. `source:reponame/trunk/README`). ''(since 0.12)''
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