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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracLogging

Aug 10, 2008, 8:15:55 PM (15 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracLogging

    v1 v2  
    44Trac supports logging of system messages using the standard [ logging module] that comes with Python.
    6 Logging is configured in the {{{[logging]}}} section in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini].
     6Logging is configured in the `[logging]` section in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini].
    88== Supported Logging Methods ==
    10 The log method is set using the `log_type` configuration option, which takes any of the following values:
     10The log method is set using the `log_type` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini], which takes any of the following values:
    1112 '''none'':: Suppress all log messages.
    12  '''file''':: Log messages to a file, specified with the `log_file` option in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini].
     13 '''file''':: Log messages to a file, specified with the `log_file` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini].
    1314 '''stderr''':: Output all log entries to console ([wiki:TracStandalone tracd] only).
    14  '''syslog''':: (UNIX) Send messages to local syslogd via named pipe `/dev/log`.
    15  '''eventlog''':: (Windows) Use the system's NT eventlog for Trac logging.
     15 '''syslog''':: (UNIX) Send all log messages to the local syslogd via named pipe `/dev/log`. By default, syslog will write them to the file /var/log/messages.
     16 '''eventlog''':: (Windows) Use the system's NT Event Log for Trac logging.
    1718== Log Levels ==
    19 The verbosity level of logged messages can be set using the ''log_level'' directive in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]. The log level defines the minimum level of urgency required for a message to be logged.
     20The verbosity level of logged messages can be set using the `log_level` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini]. The log level defines the minimum level of urgency required for a message to be logged, and those levels are:
    21 The levels are:
    2222 '''CRITICAL''':: Log only the most critical (typically fatal) errors.
    2323 '''ERROR''':: Log failures, bugs and errors.
    2626 '''DEBUG''':: Trace messages, profiling, etc.
     28== Log Format ==
     30Starting with Trac 0.10.4 (see #2844), it is possible to set the output format for log entries. This can be done through the `log_format` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini]. The format is a string which can contain any of the [ Python logging Formatter variables]. Additonally, the following Trac-specific variables can be used:
     31 '''$(basename)s''':: The last path component of the current environment.
     32 '''$(path)s''':: The absolute path for the current environment.
     33 '''$(project)s''':: The originating project's name.
     35Note that variables are identified using a dollar sign (`$(...)s`) instead of percent sign (`%(...)s`).
     37The default format is:
     39log_format = Trac[$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s
     42In a multi-project environment where all logs are sent to the same place (e.g. `syslog`), it makes sense to add the project name. In this example we use `basename` since that can generally be used to identify a project:
     44log_format = Trac[$(basename)s:$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s
    2948See also: TracIni, TracGuide, TracEnvironment
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