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Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracLogging

Sep 9, 2012, 11:47:55 PM (11 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracLogging

    v2 v3  
    4 Trac supports logging of system messages using the standard [ logging module] that comes with Python.
     4Trac supports logging of system messages using the standard [ logging module] that comes with Python.
    66Logging is configured in the `[logging]` section in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini].
    1212 '''none'':: Suppress all log messages.
    13  '''file''':: Log messages to a file, specified with the `log_file` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini].
     13 '''file''':: Log messages to a file, specified with the `log_file` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini]. Relative paths in `log_file` are resolved relative to the `log` directory of the environment.
    1414 '''stderr''':: Output all log entries to console ([wiki:TracStandalone tracd] only).
    1515 '''syslog''':: (UNIX) Send all log messages to the local syslogd via named pipe `/dev/log`. By default, syslog will write them to the file /var/log/messages.
    2626 '''DEBUG''':: Trace messages, profiling, etc.
     28Note that starting with Trac 0.11.5 you can in addition enable logging of SQL statements, at debug level. This is turned off by default, as it's very verbose (set `[trac] debug_sql = yes` in TracIni to activate).
    2830== Log Format ==
    30 Starting with Trac 0.10.4 (see #2844), it is possible to set the output format for log entries. This can be done through the `log_format` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini]. The format is a string which can contain any of the [ Python logging Formatter variables]. Additonally, the following Trac-specific variables can be used:
     32Starting with Trac 0.10.4 (see [trac:#2844 #2844]), it is possible to set the output format for log entries. This can be done through the `log_format` option in [wiki:TracIni#logging-section trac.ini]. The format is a string which can contain any of the [ Python logging Formatter variables]. Additonally, the following Trac-specific variables can be used:
    3133 '''$(basename)s''':: The last path component of the current environment.
    3234 '''$(path)s''':: The absolute path for the current environment.
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