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Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TracPermissions

Oct 26, 2014, 6:01:55 PM (9 years ago)



  • TabularUnified TracPermissions

    v4 v5  
    1414''This feature is new in version 0.11.''
    16 To access this tab, a user must have one of the following permissions: `TRAC_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_ADD`, `PERMISSION_REMOVE`. The permissions can granted using the `trac-admin` command (more on `trac-admin` below):
     16To access this tab, a user must have one of the following permissions: `TRAC_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_ADMIN`, `PERMISSION_GRANT`, `PERMISSION_REVOKE`. The permissions can be granted using the `trac-admin` command (more on `trac-admin` below):
    1818  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob TRAC_ADMIN
    2727An easy way to quickly secure a new Trac install is to run the above command on the anonymous user, install the [ AccountManagerPlugin], create a new admin account graphically and then remove the TRAC_ADMIN permission from the anonymous user.
     29From the graphical admin tab, users with `PERMISSION_GRANT` will only be allowed to grant permissions that they possess, and users with `PERMISSION_REVOKE` will only be allowed to revoke permissions that they possess. For example, a user cannot grant `MILESTONE_ADMIN` unless they have `PERMISSION_GRANT` and `MILESTONE_ADMIN`, and they cannot revoke `MILESTONE_ADMIN` unless they have `PERMISSION_REVOKE` and `MILESTONE_ADMIN`. `PERMISSION_ADMIN` just grants the user both `PERMISSION_GRANT` and `PERMISSION_REVOKE`, and users with `TRAC_ADMIN` can grant or revoke any permission.
    2931== Available Privileges ==
    98100== Creating New Privileges ==
    100 To create custom permissions, for example to be used in a custom workflow, enable the optional [trac:ExtraPermissionsProvider tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider.ExtraPermissionsProvider] component in the "Plugins" admin panel, and add the desired permissions to the `[extra-permissions]` section in your [wiki:TracIni#extra-permissions-section trac.ini]. For more information, please refer to the documentation of the component in the admin panel.
     102To create custom permissions, for example to be used in a custom workflow, enable the optional [trac:ExtraPermissionsProvider tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider.ExtraPermissionsProvider] component in the "Plugins" admin panel, and add the desired permissions to the `[extra-permissions]` section in your [wiki:TracIni#extra-permissions-section trac.ini]. For more information, please refer to the documentation  on the [wiki:TracIni#extra-permissions-section TracIni] page after enabling the component.
    102104== Granting Privileges ==
All information, including names and email addresses, entered onto this website or sent to mailing lists affiliated with this website will be public. Do not post confidential information, especially passwords!