Trac is being migrated to new services! Issues can be found in our new YouTrack instance and WIKI pages can be found on our website.

Version 2 (modified by John Bailey, 12 years ago) (diff)

Initial, basic documentation.

Using Pidgin Mercurial

This page is intended to house documentation for using Pidgin's Mercurial repositories once we switch from Monotone to Mercurial.


Pidgin's Mercurial repositories are served by the mercurial-server package. This relies entirely upon SSH key-based authentication, providing access control and a layer of accountability.

Anonymous Pull (Non-Developers)

All Pidgin Mercurial repositories will be available via HTTP. As we are not yet using Mercurial, this is not yet available.


Configure SSH For Access (Developers/CPW's/SoC Students Only)

If you wish, you can simplify Mercurial ssh: URL's by adding the following to ~/.ssh/config:

    Protocol 2
    User hg

SSH-based Push/Pull?

You can get your initial checkouts from Mercurial by:

  • With SSH config above: hg clone ssh://
  • Without SSH config above: hg clone ssh://

Once initial clones are done, pulls are a simple matter of running hg pull within your working copy. You may optionally add -u to have your checkout automatically updated if possible.

Pushes are a simple matter of hg push within your working copy. If you need to push a new repository, you must clone:

  • With SSH config above: hg clone . ssh:// in working copy
  • Without SSH config above: hg clone . ssh:// in working copy


Access Control

Access control on Pidgin's Mercurial server is strict. The repositories will be structured like so (developers/CPW's listed here are for the purpose of example):          # Mercurial server
 + pidgin               # "Official" Pidgin and libpurple repositories
 |  + main                # replaces im.pidgin.pidgin in Monotone
 |  + 2_x_y               # replaces im.pidgin.pidgin.2.x.y in Monotone
 + dev                  # Developers' repositories
 |  + darkrain            # for all repositories darkrain wishes to create
 |  |  + irc                # replaces im.pidgin.cpw.darkrain42.irc in Monotone
 |  |  + xmpp_roster        # replaces im.pidgin.cpw.darkrain42.xppp.roster in Monotone
 |  + rekkanoryo          # for all repositories rekkanoryo wishes to create
 |     + examples           # replaces im.pidgin.cpw.rekkanoryo.examples in Monotone
 + cpw                  # Crazy Patch Writers' repositories
 |  + eionrobb            # for all repositories eionrobb wishes to create
 |     + newfeature          # new repository
 + www                  # For websites
 |  + pidgin              # for
 |  + imfreedom           # for
 + soc                  # For Google Summer of Code projects (lines below should be obvious)
    + 2007
    |  + student1
    |     + project1
    + ...
    + 2012
       + studentx
          + projectx

Access control will be as follows:

  • Developers have write access to pidgin/*
  • Developers can create and modify repositories in dev/$NICKNAME/
  • Crazy Patch Writers can create and modify repositories in cpw/$NICKNAME/*
  • Summer of Code students can create and modify repositories in soc/$YEAR/$NICKNAME/*
  • All of the above have read access to any repository on the server.
  • Those people with "root" access can do anything to any repository. This access is strictly controlled.

Adding New Users

The process to allow new users SSH access to the Mercurial repositories is pretty simple, but requires someone with "root" access to mercurial-server. Currently those people are rekkanoryo and lschiere.

  1. Check out the hgadmin repo: hg clone ssh:// pidgin-hgadmin
    1. cd pidgin-hgadmin/keys. Inhere is a series of directories. The format is self-explaining. Developers go in devs/$NICKNAME, CPW's in cpws/$NICKNAME, SoC students in soc/$NICKNAME.
    2. Create the appropriate directory.
    3. Within this directory create a file named for the SSH key being added, for example user@somehost.
    4. Put the SSH public key in this file.
    5. hg add $FILE
    6. Go back to the root of pidgin-hgadmin.
    7. Edit access.conf. Copy an existing line for the same class of user (developer, CPW, SoC student) and modify it as appropriate for the new person's nickname and, if applicable, SoC year.
    8. hg commit
    9. hg push (mercurial-server updates automatically on push)
All information, including names and email addresses, entered onto this website or sent to mailing lists affiliated with this website will be public. Do not post confidential information, especially passwords!