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Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of VirtualClassroom

Aug 19, 2007, 8:18:48 AM (16 years ago)



  • TabularUnified VirtualClassroom

    v25 v26  
    3535 * '''Small video support''' : This is done by integrating a flash based player using open source Swfdec flash library. The purpose of this tool is to provide video support with which will enable students to see the video played by the instructor. The video is started simultaneously in all the student accounts. If a student wants to see the video again he can click on the video button on his board. Note the the video URL is specified by the instructor on his own interface and students shall be able to see the video only when the instructor plays the video and exits. This is a sort of check that video URL is working.
    37  * '''Modified Conferencing''' : The main purpose of this tool is to allow students to interact with the instructor. The discussion room is initiated by the instructor. A discussion request is send to all the students simultaneously. A student can join the discussion only after he accepts the request. Note that the instructor can see all the students in his discussion room but the students can only see the instructor. This prevents discussions between students.
     37 * '''Modified Conferencing''' : The main purpose of this tool is to allow students to interact with the instructor. The discussion room is initiated by the instructor. A discussion request is send to all the students simultaneously. A student can join the discussion only after he accepts the request. Note that the instructor can see all the students in his discussion room but the students can only see the instructor. This prevents unnecessary discussions between students. All sharing of information should be done via instructor :)
    3939Grading, Assignments, Handouts/Notes, Notifications, Feedbacks, Self-tests can be given in the usual way.
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