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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WikiHtml

Aug 10, 2008, 8:15:55 PM (15 years ago)



  • TabularUnified WikiHtml

    v1 v2  
    25 Note that Trac sanitizes your HTML code before displaying it. That means that if you try to use potentially dangerous constructs such as Javascript event handlers, those will be removed from the output.
     25Note that Trac sanitizes your HTML code before displaying it. That means that if you try to use potentially dangerous constructs such as Javascript event handlers, those will be removed from the output.
     27Since 0.11, the filtering is done by Genshi, and as such, the produced out will be a well-formed fragment of HTML. In other words, this mean that you can no longer use two HTML blocks, one for opening a <div>, the second for closing it, in order to wrap arbitrary wiki text.
     28To achieve this, you need now to use the ''div'' Wiki processor:
     32#!div class=important style="border: 2pt solid; text-align: center"
     33This is the ''only'' way to go in Trac 0.11
     37Results in:
     39#!div class=important style="border: 2pt solid; text-align: center"
     40This is the ''only'' way to go in Trac 0.11
     43For spans, you should rather use the Macro call syntax:
     45 Hello [[span(''WORLD'' (click [#world-anchor here]), style=color: green; font-size: 120%, id=world-anchor)]]!
     48Results in:
     49 Hello [[span(''WORLD'' (click [#world-anchor here]), style=color: green; font-size: 120%, id=world-anchor)]]!
    2752== More Information ==
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