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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiRestructuredText

Oct 22, 2006, 12:34:42 AM (17 years ago)



  • TabularUnified WikiRestructuredText

    v1 v1  
     1= reStructuredText Support in Trac =
     3Trac supports using ''reStructuredText'' (RST) as an alternative to wiki markup in any context WikiFormatting is used.
     5From the reStucturedText webpage:
     6 "''reStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser   system. It is useful for in-line program documentation (such as Python docstrings), for quickly creating  simple web pages, and for standalone documents. reStructuredText is designed for extensibility for  specific application domains. ''"
     8=== Requirements ===
     9Note that to activate RST support in Trac, the python docutils package must be installed.
     10If not already available on your operating system, you can download it at the [ RST Website].
     12=== More information on RST ===
     14 * reStructuredText Website --
     15 * RST Quick Reference --
     19== Using RST in Trac ==
     20To specify that a block of text should be parsed using RST, use the ''rst'' processor.
     22=== TracLinks in reStructuredText ===
     24 * Trac provides a custom RST reference-directive 'trac' to allow TracLinks from within RST text.
     26 Example:
     27 {{{
     28 {{{
     29 #!rst
     30 This is a reference to |a ticket|
     32 .. |a ticket| trac:: #42
     33 }}}
     34 }}}
     36 For a complete example of all uses of the ''trac''-directive, please see WikiRestructuredTextLinks.
     39 * Trac allows an even easier way of creating TracLinks in RST, using the custom '':trac:'' link naming scheme.
     41 Example:
     42 {{{
     43 {{{
     44 #!rst
     45 This is a reference to ticket `#12`:trac:
     47 To learn how to use Trac, see `TracGuide`:trac:
     48 }}}
     49 }}}
     51=== Syntax highlighting in reStructuredText ===
     53There is a directive for doing TracSyntaxColoring in ReST as well. The directive is called
     62.. code-block:: python
     64 class Test:
     66    def TestFunction(self):
     67        pass
     72Will result in the below.
     77.. code-block:: python
     79 class Test:
     81    def TestFunction(self):
     82        pass
     86=== WikiMacros in reStructuredText ===
     88For doing WikiMacros in ReST you use the same directive as for syntax highlightning i.e
     89code-block. To work you must use a version of trac that has #801 applied.
     91=== WikiMacro Example ===
     97.. code-block:: HelloWorld
     99   Something I wanted to say
     105Will result in the below.
     107[[HelloWorld(Something I wanted to say)]]
     110=== Bigger ReST Example ===
     111The example below should be mostly self-explanatory:
     114<pre class="wiki">{{{
     116FooBar Header
     118reStructuredText is **nice**. It has its own webpage_.
     120A table:
     122=====  =====  ======
     123   Inputs     Output
     124------------  ------
     125  A      B    A or B
     126=====  =====  ======
     127False  False  False
     128True   False  True
     129False  True   True
     130True   True   True
     131=====  =====  ======
     133RST TracLinks
     136See also ticket `#42`:trac:.
     138.. _webpage:
     143Results in:
     146FooBar Header
     148reStructuredText is **nice**. It has its own webpage_.
     150A table:
     152=====  =====  ======
     153   Inputs     Output
     154------------  ------
     155  A      B    A or B
     156=====  =====  ======
     157False  False  False
     158True   False  True
     159False  True   True
     160True   True   True
     161=====  =====  ======
     163RST TracLinks
     166See also ticket `#42`:trac:.
     168.. _webpage:
     173See also: WikiRestructuredTextLinks, WikiProcessors, WikiFormatting
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