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Hi! I'm Hylke Bons (or hbons) living and born (1986-11-22) in Groningen, The Netherlands.
Currently I'm studying Computational Linguistics at the university of Groningen,
in free time I maintain the Tango icon set for Pidgin. So you can assign bugs concerning icons/artwork to me. :)


  • MSN: hylkebonsAThotmailDOTcom
  • E-mail: hDOTbonsATstudentDOTrugDOTnl (Pidgin stuff: hbonsATpidginDOTim)
  • IRC channels I'm usually on: #tango, #gnome-nl

Open Tickets Assigned to hbons

New Insert menu should have menu icons
Audio Icon for sound status on Application
New message graphic gets cut off
Wrong icon for new instant message
Complete Default Emoticon Refresh
don't like sign in/out icon change
Provide Pidgin icons of higher quality
Images in default small smiliey theme missing
Need scalable copies of status icons
16 bit version of extended-away.png should be square as in 16/rtl
Is there a way to make the tray icon on pidgin for windows the same as the status icon on the buddy list?
system-tray "accounts logged in" indication
size 22 tray-extended-away icon too similar to tray-new-im
smile-big.png emoticon looks akward
Icons for XMPP moods
Same image, different emoticons on Yahoo!
Theming tray icons to monochrome
Icons disappearing
background image for contact list does not update correctly when scrolling
The the color channels 'x' icon for closing tabs is by one pixel per channel

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Aug 15, 2007, 12:44:34 PM
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