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Change History for BuildingWinPidgin/3.0.0

Version Date Author Comment
14 6 years Maiku Add instructions for building in MSYS2
13 6 years Maiku Removed mentions of win32-dirs and its options now that they're removed
12 6 years Maiku Add libdir override to avoid installing libraries into places like …
11 6 years Maiku Update cross compile instructions to meson
10 7 years Robby Pull request merged.
9 7 years Maiku Update Windows build instructions for modern Pidgin 3
8 9 years datallah Updates for recent changes merged in from 2.x.y
7 9 years datallah Remove references to Apple Bonjour SDK
6 10 years tomkiewicz mention 3.0.0 cross-compiling
5 11 years tomkiewicz add xxd to cygwin packages
4 11 years tomkiewicz Building the Pidgin installer
3 11 years MarkDoliner s/hxxp/http/
2 11 years tomkiewicz fix some links
1 11 years tomkiewicz
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