Trac is being migrated to new services! Issues can be found in our new YouTrack instance and WIKI pages can be found on our website.

Change History for PidginCommunity

Version Date Author Comment
36 7 years Robby Remove MySpace entry.
35 8 years mmcco less casual wording
34 8 years mmcco specify end-to-end encryption
33 8 years mmcco I feel like OTR is more reasonable and secure these days
32 10 years MarkDoliner Change link to point to /newticket instead of /simpleticket
31 11 years John Bailey
30 13 years Robby Fix grammar
29 13 years MarkDoliner I learned about, which is a detailed description of …
28 14 years elb
27 14 years MarkDoliner Fewer line breaks
26 14 years MarkDoliner Change info about our mailing lists. Don't include the addresses …
25 15 years chemistrydioxide
24 15 years chemistrydioxide2
23 15 years chemistrydioxide
22 15 years chemistrydioxide fixed some Camel CAse issues
21 15 years chemistrydioxide
20 15 years deryni It struck me that our answer was a bit short, this seems to fit better …
19 15 years QuLogic
18 15 years Robby
17 15 years pidgin_lover
16 15 years pidgin_lover
15 15 years darkway Added info for file transfers and encrytion.
14 15 years hbons
13 15 years hbons
12 16 years deryni
11 16 years QuLogic kstange must have accidentally pasted this.
10 16 years kstange
9 16 years kstange I don't know wiki
8 16 years kstange
7 16 years kstange explain our names!
6 16 years John Bailey Acknowledge the support mailing list. Fixes #3667.
5 16 years John Bailey FAQ migration is almost entirely complete!
4 16 years John Bailey More FAQ migration from the old site.
3 16 years izm
2 17 years fishpool
1 17 years elb
All information, including names and email addresses, entered onto this website or sent to mailing lists affiliated with this website will be public. Do not post confidential information, especially passwords!