This is a list of anyone who we think may be violation the license of any part of our project, and the status of the violation. The license is pretty much always the GPL, but could potentially be something else.
Being listed here does not necessarily mean the software in question is a problem--just that someone thinks it should be investigated. Please do not send impolite emails to the creators of software listed here. If you're a copyright holder of code that is a part of our project, you may email someone and ask for clarification or point out violations and request that they be fixed. Please be civil.
Description | Gaming service, uses libpurple for IM
Status | Contacted to request source. Provided link to legally dubious Heliotrope libpurple bridge
Contacted | Yes
It's now possible to download their source, but there's no link on their website to get it
(this information is REALLY old and probably out of date)
Description | Uses Gaim PRPLs to connect to IM networks. They call it "interop."
Status | Do they need to distribute a GPL LICENSE file with their interop stuff? Also questionable how they link to Gaim's code? And if the code has been modified, need to offer source code download?
Contacted | No
(this information is REALLY old and possibly out of date)
Description | Offer a downloadable IM client based on Pidgin.
Status | They didn't used to offer source code download. Do they now?
Contacted | ?
Description | IM client for Palm Pre?
Status | No known problems, but someone should probably glance through their web site
Contacted | No
MeBeam Plugin
Description | Voice/video chat plugin
Status | No license specified, included, or otherwise mentioned. No source available.
Contacted | A user reports that he has attempted to contact MeBeam, but has not received a response.