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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SoundThemes

Aug 21, 2009, 2:46:18 AM (14 years ago)

Sound themes


  • TabularUnified SoundThemes

    v1 v1  
     1= Sound Themes =
     3== Installing ==
     4The theme.xml file, all sound files (along with any image preview) should be placed in `$PURPLEHOME/themes/$THEMENAME/purple/sound/`
     5Alternatively, in Linux the files can be put in /usr/share/themes/$THEMENAME/purple/sound/
     7== Creating ==
     8A theme consists of a XML file called theme.xml, all of the sound files used by the theme, and an optional image preview/logo file. 
     10The root node of the XML file contains all information about the theme including the name, author, type of theme (sound), as well as the name of a image file to display as a preview of the theme.  The theme file should also contain a description element which gives a short description of the theme.
     12Under the root node, the theme should contain a list of event elements.  Each event element should contain a name and a file attribute.  The name attribute corresponds to the event for which the sound should be played, while the file attribute is the name of the file to play.  A file can be used for multiple events and events can be left off so a sound is not played for a particular event. The event names are:
     13 * login - a contact logs in
     14 * logout - a contact logs off
     15 * im_recv - a contact sends a message
     16 * first_im_recv - a contact starts a conversation
     17 * send_im - you send a message
     18 * join_chat - a person enters a chat
     19 * left_chat - a person leaves a chat
     20 * send_chat_msg - you send a message in a chat
     21 * chat_msg_recv - someone else sends a message in a chat
     22 * nick_said - someone says your username in a chat
     24An example theme would look like:
     27<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     28<theme type="sound" name="Example sound theme" author="Your name" image="logo.png">
     29        <description>This is an example theme.</description>
     30        <event name="login" file="contact_logged_on.mp3"/>
     31        <event name="logout" file="contact_logged_off.mp3"/>
     32        <event name="im_recv" file="im_received.mp3"/>
     33        <event name="first_im_recv" file="new_im_received.mp3"/>
     34        <event name="send_im" file="im_sent.mp3"/>
     35        <event name="join_chat" file="contact_logged_on.mp3"/>
     36        <event name="left_chat" file="contact_logged_off.mp3"/>
     37        <event name="send_chat_msg" file="chat_message_sent.mp3"/>
     38        <event name="chat_msg_recv" file="chat_message_received.mp3"/>
     39        <!-- event "nick_said" is not set-->
     43== Example Themes ==
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