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Change History for UsingPidginMonotone

Version Date Author Comment
46 11 years datallah Fix a couple URLs and add note about viewmtn not being available …
45 12 years MarkDoliner Add links to other Monotone pages so we can remove them from our main …
44 12 years MarkDoliner Add a note that people should be using Mercurial
43 12 years bleeter Yeah, I was an idiot and copy/pasted... I like this better, anyway. …
42 12 years crodjer Specifying the mtn url in quotes. Otherwise it doesn't work with zsh.
41 13 years John Bailey Additional useful notes.
40 14 years queueram Update some of the monotone URLs
39 15 years darkrain42 Minor word choice changes
38 15 years elb
37 15 years Sim-on
36 16 years elb
35 16 years Maiku Ubuntu 8.04 now ships monotone version 0.37
34 16 years bjoernv quoting "im.pidgin.*" is useful
33 16 years elb
32 16 years rlaager
31 16 years rlaager Provide a shell script sample for the bootstrap database.
30 16 years resiak Mention $MTN_MERGE
29 17 years John Bailey Making a recent edit a bit more clear.
28 17 years frangossauro Just show the command to migrate the monotone database in newer versions.
27 17 years elb Sorry for the noise …
26 17 years elb
25 17 years elb
24 17 years QuLogic Fix title. Montone->Monotone
23 17 years jeff explicit_merge
22 17 years rlaager s/im.pidgin.gaim/im.pidgin.pidgin/
21 17 years elb
20 17 years Gary Kramlich
19 17 years Step monotone 0.34 and higher require migrating the bootstrap database. …
18 17 years elb
17 17 years datallah Fix instructions - I get sloppy when I'm tired.
16 17 years datallah Update instructions to use the bootstrap db instead of a full pull.
15 17 years datallah
14 17 years rlaager
13 17 years elb
12 17 years elb Some more text on key management
11 17 years seanegan
10 17 years seanegan
9 17 years elb
8 17 years datallah a couple tyop fixes
7 17 years elb
6 17 years elb
5 17 years elb
4 17 years elb
3 17 years lschiere
2 17 years lschiere
1 17 years elb
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