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Version 23 (modified by mmcco, 9 years ago) (diff)

specify potential for GStreamer package version confusion

Michael McConville (mmcc, mmcco)

I'm a rising senior at Swarthmore College working as Pidgin's resident "Maintenance Hero" through the 2015 Google Summer of Code. My main goal is to help get our 3.0.0 release out the door. I also plan to work on voice and video and end-to-end encryption.


  • Jabber: (OTR preferred)
  • Email: mmcco ~a~

What I'm working on

  • Writing updates for the voice/video dependencies (libnice, Farstream, GStreamer) and submitting them to the Debian Telepathy maintainers
  • XMPP Real-Time Text - XEP-0301 - #15674
  • Removing the Crazy Chat plugin (#16667) and Yahoo! Japan (#15906)
  • Static analysis
  • Updating voice/video library dependencies (see below)

Building Pidgin 3.0

Pidgin 3.0 has many dependencies, including some new ones and some that are a little tricky to get set up properly. Below are notes and suggestions on how to reliably build Pidgin 3.0. Don't take them as gospel - this is simply what I've done to make the builds work reliably.

I've been doing my dev work on Ubuntu 15.04 (the most recent release at the moment). Because of that, much of the information below is OS-specific. However, the dependencies' Debian and Ubuntu packages are often very similar or even identical, and the two OSs make up a large share of our user base. Obviously, compatible versions of all dependencies are going to have to be available in the Debian and Ubuntu repositories before 3.0 can be effectively shipped.

All commentary on package versions is from early June 2015.

I install all manually compiled packages into the prefix $HOME/env/ to keep /usr/ clean and Ubuntu-specific. I strongly recommend this - it makes it easier to specify which version of a library should be used, and it prevents linker-related headaches and system reinstalls when you start getting library-related errors. I've added $HOME/env/ to the following environment variables to make it fully usable:

  • PATH


GPlugin was added as a Pidgin dependency in May 2015. It's meant to allow plugins to be written in any programming language through the use of GObject introspection. There were build problems in 0.18 involving Mozilla's gjs library (apparently only C++ headers were available while C headers were needed), but that's been removed as a dependency for now.

GPlugin is new, and isn't yet included in Debian or Ubuntu's package repos. You therefore have to build from source. Additionally, I wasn't able to find which (if any) environment variable determines the search path for .gir files. I therefore grudgingly installed it without my build environment prefix. I've since been told that such an environment variable does exist, though - I'll share it here once I find it.


libnice is a library implementing ICE and STUN which is used by the voice/video stack.

It's Ubuntu package is derived from the Debian package, which is maintained by the Debian Telepathy Maintainers. This package is currently at version 0.1.7-1 in the repo and 0.1.4-1 in Ubuntu 15.04. The latest libnice release is 0.1.13, and we need at least 0.1.8 for the latest version of Farstream. 0.13.0 builds and tests successfully on Ubuntu 15.04, so I'm working on an update to submit.


Farstream is a library built atop GStreamer that offers easy, self-contained voice/video protocol implementations accessible through GObject APIs.

There are two major versions of Farstream: 0.1 and 0.2. Both are available Ubuntu 15.04's repos, but the 0.2 package's minor version is too old for Pidgin 3.0. It therefore needs to be built manually. It depends on a new version of libnice, so build that first.


The GStreamer library is the basis of Pidgin's voice/video support.

There are two major GStreamer versions: 0.1 and 1.0. Pidgin currently supports both, but you should use GStreamer 1.0. If possible, use dpkg --get-selections to find and uninstall all GStreamer 0.1 packages. If some software you use depends on them, just check the ./configure output or config.log to make sure that GStreamer 1.0 is being used. The minor version available in Ubuntu 15.04's packages is currently new enough to compile Pidgin 3.0, so just install from there.


If you're having trouble building Pidgin 3.0, contact me - I'm happy to help.

Remember, config.log is your friend. Often, configure script errors (particularly involving voice/video and GTK+) are reported very generically to stdout but have specific and helpful error messages in config.log.

Also, if you come across an obstacle on your platform of choice, please report it to the relevant package maintainer with as much useful information as possible. Keeping major dependencies' packages stable and up-to-date will allow us to continue improving voice/video, desktop environment integration, etc.

Voice/video library requirements

As of June 2015, Pidgin supports both GStreamer 0.1 and GStreamer 1.0. GStreamer 0.1 has been officially unmaintained since March 2013 - more than two years ago. The announcement mentions that the 0.1 branch had been largely abandoned a while before: "there are many hundreds of bugs that have only been fixed in 1.x, and many more are fixed every week." However, package and port maintainers may still patch bugs.

Pidgin's voice/video has problems with mysterious failures and sometimes segfaults because of GStreamer plugin incompatibilities. Restricting ourselves to a single current and supported version of the relevant libraries would make the code more reliable and easier to test and maintain.

On the other hand, Tomasz pointed out that GStreamer 1.0 only reintroducted device selection in version 1.4, the most recent minor release. Because Windows and some Linux distributions may not support 1.4 for a while, we may need to implement that ourselves.

GStreamer 0.1 and Farstream 0.1 are coupled, as are GStreamer 1.0 and Farstream 0.2. When determining the compatibility of an operating system release, be sure to check for both. For example, Debian Wheezy currently supports GStreamer 1.0 but only Farstream 0.1.

Requiring GStreamer 1.0 and Farstream 0.2 would mean that Pidgin 3.0 would not support certain LTS operating systems such as Ubuntu 12.04, Debian Squeeze (6) and potentially Wheezy (7), and RHEL/CentOS 6.

Of course, these releases are unlikely to backport Pidgin 3.0, considering that they haven't backported GStreamer 1.0. If they do, they can always just build with --disable-vv. Interestingly, OpenBSD currently does this, but for the opposite reason: their GStreamer/Farstream versions are too new and they're waiting for the Pidgin 3.0 release.

Building a statically linked Pidgin binary

The command for this is, for example, ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --with-static-prpls=jabber. In this case, only Jabber/XMPP is supported. The build system will only statically link libraries compiled by Pidgin - all system libraries will be dynamically linked. You can verify this by running ldd in the new Pidgin binary (pidgin/pidgin) after the build.

There are third-party tools that can create what are effectively statically linked binaries using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. These could be useful for creating a testing binary for distribution, but I haven't had the need for that.

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