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Change History for TipsForBugReports

Version Date Author Comment
33 10 years MarkDoliner Make inter-wiki links relative.
32 10 years MarkDoliner Change link to point to /newticket instead of /simpleticket
31 12 years elb
30 13 years indians This command didn't worked as stdout (>) is redirected after the …
29 13 years QuLogic Add non-Windows debug logging
28 13 years QuLogic I don't really see why obtaining a debug log is under the topic about …
27 14 years datallah Update to work better on 32-bit OSes and Windows XP.
26 14 years datallah Update Instructions for 2.7.0
25 14 years sww ploblem => problem
24 14 years datallah Make note about VirtualStore being relevant on Windows 7 too.
23 14 years datallah Change the "Preemptive Debug Logging" instructions to something that …
22 14 years elb
21 15 years allentiak Text cleanup
20 15 years darkrain42 UAC disabled = the user can write to %PROGRAMFILES%.
19 15 years datallah Try to make this easier to read and improve instructions for …
18 15 years phroggie Vista dumps pidgin.rpt to a virtualstore folder
17 15 years datallah Add stderr redirection
16 16 years dave1g addresses the comments in #3654 sorry it took forever to add this. …
15 16 years kstange
14 16 years elb
13 16 years John Bailey Some tweaking for this page
12 17 years evands Punctuation nitpick
11 17 years datallah Note that the MS error report isn't useful.
10 17 years datallah Make the debug version link take you closer to where you need to be
9 17 years moonfern
8 17 years datallah Remove the dll hell stuff since it hopefully shouldn't happen anymore
7 17 years datallah Add information on how to get debug output on windows
6 17 years John Bailey gdb.php is in the wiki now
5 17 years MarkDoliner
4 17 years MarkDoliner
3 17 years lschiere
2 17 years lschiere
1 17 years lschiere
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